Hmm, it seems you didn't get a proper welcome here, so आपका स्वागत है. I don't speak great Hindi either, but I do contribute to a lot of Wikimedia projects. Let me know if I can help with anything, and keep up the good work. Add your opinion to discussions at the विकिपीडिया:गाँव का पम्प and keep helping to move the project forward. Keep up the good work. - Taxman ०४:३१, ४ दिसम्बर २००६ (UTC)

Thank you. I look forward to contributing and am sure I will enjoy my stay at the Hindi Wikipedia. I am also a lot of the time on the Bengali (Bangla) Wikipedia, so please do look at it some time. Are there any "general rules"? I think it would be nice to have something similar to the Bengali Wikipedia: a How to read and write in Unicode Hindi and Must-read for contributors sort of toolbar at the top. Anyway, that's all for now. And once again, thank you. --Wolf १४:०३, ५ दिसम्बर २००६ (UTC)
Welcome to Hindi Wikipedia. I checked Bangla wikipedia, and your suggestion about putting toolbar at top is great. Do you know how to put that toolbar? Will appreciate your help. Hope you will enjoy contributing to Hindi Wikipedia..
--मितुल १९:०३, ५ दिसम्बर २००६ (UTC)
It's in MediaWiki:Sitenotice, as an admin you can just edit that to what you like as long as others don't object. See bn:MediaWiki:Sitenotice for their version. It would probably be better to be in English and Devanagari though. - Taxman २२:४५, ५ दिसम्बर २००६ (UTC)
Wolf as for general rules, if you mean editing in general, the content policies here are basically the same as on the English Wikipedia. Those have already had hours and hours of working on them to have them be workable, so there's not much sense in reinventing the wheel here. You could start by looking at en:Wikipedia:Policies and guidelines. But if you have specific questions, feel free to ask those too. - Taxman २२:४५, ५ दिसम्बर २००६ (UTC)

New main page for hindi wikipedia

संपादित करें

Check out विकिपीडिया:मुखपृष्ठ. This is a place where everyone can play around and contribute to the design of new main page for hindi wikipedia. I liked your design very much, and have put it there. It gives a good start point for the new design. Once it is done and most of the contributors liked it. I would love to push the new design as new main page for hindi wikipedia.

--मितुल १९:३२, ११ दिसम्बर २००६ (UTC)

Your design for new main page is very good. I personally liked it very much.

--मितुल १५:३५, १५ दिसम्बर २००६ (UTC)
धन्यवाद!--Wolf १५:४६, १५ दिसम्बर २००६ (UTC)

Hi there, thanks for the idea on Kashmiri wikipedia. I am an admin there. The suggestion which you provided was the very one that I had been looking for months now and have tried several version in my computer to no avail. Dhanyabaad a lot!--Eukesh १६:५५, २४ दिसम्बर २००६ (UTC)

template ताज़ी घटनाएँ

संपादित करें

Cool work wolf... I have updated the template to reflect at main page.. keep up the good work..

--मितुल १८:५२, ८ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

Thank you. I think we can continue to do this every week. --Wolf १९:३१, ८ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

धन्‍यवाद ‘’वोल्‍फ’’ Wolf , अब मै आपकी सलाह का ध्‍यान रक्‍खूंगा और प्रयास करूंगा कि गल्तियां आगे फिर न हों ।

user:Debbe, 09 January 2007, 12:00 UTC

Template:kyaa aap jaante hai

संपादित करें

Check out the talk page, I got some nominations and creations up there.राजा रामबात करो ०१:०७, १३ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

The problem is that we only have one active admin, and Mitul hasnt been on for a couple of days.राजा रामबात करो ०१:५९, १४ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

Hi there, thanks a lot for the information that you have been providing me as regards the Kashmiri and Romani wikipediae. I have tried implementing the codes of the chinese, kazakh and the serbian wikipedia in my personal wiki but they have not been productive. Besides, I am not a programmer and am nowhere close to the "programming" world. All that I do happens by "hit and trial" method (or is it copy and paste method? :) ). Anyway, if you have any ideas regarding transliteration and how to include an extra "page" in the article, discussion, edit etc row, please enlighten me with it. Any help would be great. Dhanyabaad.--Eukesh १६:३३, १३ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

Hi! Sorry for the delay in answering, I had some really busy days. Thanks for the informations, in the meantime I received also an answer from a Kazakh admin about the files they filled to make their wiki multiscripted, here is the reply. The same as Eukesh, me too I'll have to understand them to be able to repeat the procedure. Thank you, देसीफ्राल १८:३३, १४ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

Hi Wolf,

Thanks for your comments for the article रामायण. Certainly I will make my best efforts to make this article the first featured article on Wikipedia! At present I am busy to complete the summarised Hindi translation of Valmiki Ramayan in my website

As regards the references, I wrote this article with the help of "रामचरितमानस" published by Gita Press, Gorakhpur.

I am going to start making linked pages to convert the red links into blue.

As all the 'Kands' (काण्ड) of Ramayan and Ramcharitmanas are not equal, it is not possible to balance all the sections. For your information, I can add here that अयोध्याकाण्ड is the biggest Kand whereas the सुन्दरकाण्ड is the smallest one. I accept that I made errors in the Hindi text and the Hindi text needs to be cleaned up, for example sometimes there is |, sometimes there is ।.

जी.के. अवधिया

Thanks. I will make my best efforts to be specific. I am going to consult my other friends for this purpose and will advise you shortly in the matter.

जी.के. अवधिया

Dear Wolf,

Thanks for your appreciation and comments.

यह सब कुछ भगवान श्री रामचन्द्र जी की कृपा से ही हुआ। मैं तो केवल निमित्त मात्र हूँ।

The meaning of the last sentence in English is 'All that have been done is kindness of Lord Rama, the Almighty only.

जी.के. अवधिया

current events template updated

संपादित करें

updated with some corrections. Thanks again.Template:ताज़ी घटनाएँ 2007 सप्ताह 3

--मितुल १७:१४, १५ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

Template:मुख्य पृष्ठ निर्वाचित तस्वीर changed

संपादित करें

Template:मुख्य पृष्ठ निर्वाचित तस्वीर is changed to [[Template:निर्वाचित तस्वीर {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}{{CURRENTYEAR}}]]. Thanks for your suggestion.

--मितुल ०२:०७, १९ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

Came across this page सदस्य:Wolf/Infobox Tests. It looks to be the exact same thing as Template:इनफ़ोबोक्स देश. The one for use on hindu temples is Template:इन्फ़ोबोक्स मन्दिर.राजा रामबात करो २३:१९, २१ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

संपादित करें

Useful link, you might like it:

--मितुल १९:०९, २२ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
  मौलिक पदक
मैं Bhadani, Wolf को हिन्दी विकीपीडिया में अद्भुत योगदानों की सराहना के लिये यह मौलिक पदक (Original Barnstar) प्रदान करता हूं । --भदानी १७:११, २३ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
आपका काम is really great! I am an administrator in English Wikipedia: Bhadani. I am also administrator in three other Wikias - World Wikia / Do It Yourself Wikia / Finance Wikia of wikia Group, not Wikipedia associated but organized by Jimmy, the founder of Wikipedia. My mother tongue is Hindi and my Hindi is good too - but I am unable to contribute due to shortage of time. I appreciate you all for creating more than 5,000 pages in Hindi Wikipedia. It will grow to 10,000 pages very fast. All the Best! --भदानी १७:२६, २३ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

आप हिन्‍दी बहुत अच्‍छी लिख लेते हैं। फिलहाल हम सभी Hinglish हिन्‍गलिस का प्रयोग करते हैं। यह अच्‍छी बात है और फायदेमन्‍द भी। क्‍योंकि हम अपनी बात दोंनों भाषाओं को मिलाकर बहुत प्रभावशाली तरीके से व्‍यक्‍त कर सकते हैं। Communication in both the languages are quite beneficial for all. I know several languages, Hindi, punjabi, gujarati, bengali and english, german, french and russian. Thus I know the advantages of having knowledge of the languages.

user:debbe, 24 January 2007, 05:20 UTC


संपादित करें

मै आप्को प्रबन्धक को nominate किया | राजा रामबात करो २२:३८, २५ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

O you just write your name under the "Candidate please accept..." sentence. There are other users I'd like to nominate as well, but I think you are more interested in the systematic/mechanical parts~ of the wiki than many other people, and that's something I see we need on Hindi wiki. The nice part about adminship is that anyone can nominate anybody they feel will serve hindi wiki. I myself may try later, when I can devote more time to the wiki.राजा रामबात करो १६:१४, २६ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
Uhh. ask mitul about adminship, I just saw that you can nominate people. 6000 pages, we're catching up to bengali.राजा रामबात करो २३:०८, २७ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

Is there anyway to switch any number rather than just the ones defined? Plus, why is there no display of Devnagari numbers? Even wikipedia like dzonkha which is virtually empty has Tibetan number display.--युकेश १६:५३, २७ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

The hindi word I use for it is ज्ञानसन्दूक (knowledge-box).Since we purged out words like featured and etc, we should create new hindi words to fit the pedia. I'm going to move all my infoboxes to the new titles like Template:ज्ञानसन्दूक चीन प्रदेश.राजा रामबात करो १८:३३, २८ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

<b>[[User:Kingram|<font color="red">राजा राम</font>]]</b><sup>[[सदस्य वार्ता:Kingram|<font color="black">बात करो</font>]]</sup>

Substitute Wolf for Kingram and your desired sig for the other hindi language stuff, and your desired color in place of red.राजा रामबात करो ०२:३२, ३१ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

Its not actually an infobox, therefore since it has the same material as en:Template:Hinduism small I would suggest a move to Template:सन्दूक हिन्दू धर्म. Seeen:Help:Infobox and en:Template:Infobox for what constitutes an infobox.राजा रामबात करो ०२:०४, १ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

See विकिपीडिया:ज्ञानसन्दूक. I created it, but I cant express myself in Hindi.राजा रामबात करो २३:११, ३ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

Wolf, I suggest to use roman numerals as much as possible. Saying that, a template could be worked out to translate devnagri numerals to roman ones (like you suggested few days back at my talk page).

-मितुल ०७:२३, १ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

यहाँ का मोनोबूक सिस्टमिक मेसेज (ta से कन्भर्ट करने वाला) देवनागरी मै होने कि वजह से नहीँ चला। यह समस्या हमने नेपाल भाषा विकिपीडिया मै भी झेला था। अगर आप वह मेसेज ल्याटिन मै रखते है तो वो कोड जरुर चलेगा। मुझे बहुत खुशी लग रहा है को आप लोग ट्रान्स्लिटरेटर का प्रयोग यहाँ भी करना चाहते है। देवनागरी का मुख्य ट्रान्सलिटरेटर को मैने नेपाल भाषा मै रखा था जिसका प्रयोग ५ विकिपीडिया और मराठी विकिश्नरी मै हो रहा है। एक ही ट्रान्सलिटरेटर होने से टेक्स्ट एन्ट्री मै युनिफर्मिटी रह सकता है ऐसा मेरा विचार है। वरना विभिन्न विकिपीडिया मै भिन्न एन्ट्री कै कारण समस्या आ सकता है। एक रहने से टेक्स्ट् एन्ट्री मै सुधार और अपग्रेड एक ही तरीके सै हो सकता है। इसी लिए मेरा सुझाव यह है की हम सभी देवनागरी विकिपीडिया कै लिए एक ही ट्रान्सलिट फाइल रखें। धन्यवाद। --युकेश ०५:३४, ३ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

Abt wikiproject itihaasa

संपादित करें

Please visit here to improve the history related articles. Thank you.--युकेश २३:३७, ३ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

I think we need a hindi namespace name for template just like user is sadasya and talk is varta.राजा रामबात करो २२:५८, ४ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

How do we pronounce ऑ or क्रॉ ? are these same as ओ or क्रो? these characters are not used in Nepal Bhasa, so I am a bit confused abt their use. Thanks--युकेश १७:२३, ७ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

रामायण अब तक का हिन्दी विकिपीडिया पर सबसे अच्छा और संपूर्ण लेख है। रामायण अब तक का हिन्दी विकिपीडिया पर सबसे अच्छा और संपूर्ण लेख है। Kudos for taking the initiative to make it complete. Excellent Work!--मितुल १७:३५, ९ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

Thank you for your suggestion. I have entered श्रेणी tag in all the pages of हिन्दी गद्यकार. Regards पूर्णिमा वर्मन ००:३९, १० फरवरी २००७ (UTC)


संपादित करें

When I started creating these pages, I thought that there are so many users who don't know the meaning of these words but know Hindi a bit. So, if these pages will be there they will find it easy at Hindi Wikipedia. Noe I see that I have created some pages whose entry should be there on a dictionary instead of here.

At this point, I too think that at least some of the words of this category should not be there on Wikipedia. But there are pages, I would like to stress at this point, which contain more meaning than what a normal dictionary may have. There are some words whose meaning change from time to time. Their meanings vary from place to place as well as from conext to context. Example of these words are आश्रम, तुलसी,दीन, दिन etc. There are some pages who need some illustration which a normal dictionary lacks. Examlpe of these pages include अल्पना,तंत्रetc. Some pages on the other hand need some scintifc or geographical definition like -आवृति ,आवेग,घन,परमाणु,द्रव,तरंग . These pages should be left alone. But yes, thanks for your sugestion, as wikipedia is not a dictionary those useless words who don't dserve a place here should be deleted or wictionary should be contacted if they need any info from these pages before deleting. Amitprabhakar १२:४५, १० फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

It means : "I, Amit Prabhakar, welcome you in my new avatar. I will try to concentrate more on quality of pages than their number.I'll try to put useful and quality information on all 'basic knowledge' pages. I thank GK Awadhiya, Wolf, Yukesh, Varta, Mitul and many others whose continuous hard work has made me to think on this aspect of wiki editing."

Thank you for the Wolf bit. Anyway, I hope you make great edits. --वुल्फ़वार्ता १३:१५, १० फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

आयुर्वेद (Ayurved)

संपादित करें


In my opinion the article 'आयुर्वेद' (Ayurved) is a very good article and deserves to be a featured article. Let me know your views about it please.

जी.के. अवधिया

आपके जवाब के लिये बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद। रामायण पर आपने भी बहुत मेहनत किया है और अभी भी कर रहे हैं। आपका लगन सराहनीय है। साँचा देना मेरे चाहने की बात नहीं है, ये तो आपका lookout है।

जी.के. अवधिया

I created a page to serve as a centralized discussion forum for new words that need to be made for hindi wiki विकिपीडिया:शब्द आविष्कार .राजा रामबात करो ०२:५३, १२ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

You should also display this star. You worked hard on that article and set up a standard to follow. Great work.--मितुल १६:०३, १२ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

Thank you!! I already have!! --वुल्फ़वार्ता १८:१५, १२ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

Thanks for the link to Chinese wikipedia. I will try to implement multiple script asap. I saw your account in Assamese wikipedia. Do you think that a massive import of articles in that wikipedia is possible from Bangla wikipedia like the Cebuano wikipedia did as reported here?--युकेश १६:३५, १२ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

Congratulations bhai.राजा रामबात करो २३:४६, १३ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

Congratulations on adminship... I am sure it will bring much needed speed of improvements here... --मितुल ००:१८, १४ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

We have over 7440 pages now.राजा रामबात करो ०१:४४, १७ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

hey wolf, you had written a bengali message on my talk page, but my browser does not enable me to read it. could you send it in english please. thanks. Upamanyuwiki १५:०२, १७ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

I looked at the page and could not understand a thing. राजा रामबात करो ०६:१६, १८ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

No its not ur hindi, its the fact that I dont know enough hindi to understand what was written there. As for translation, I'll join though I'd rather make pages unique to hindi wiki.राजा रामबात करो १८:२२, १८ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
thanks for your welcome. I will try to enable the bengali script on my browser. Upamanyuwiki १४:३९, १८ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

A suggestion abt translation project

संपादित करें

In translation project or even in general translations, I think that we should keep the untranslated page in the discussion page and just leave the translated text in the article page with a template on the top of the page saying that the page is being translated here (where here links to the discussion page). This way we can have a page which is completely in Hindi and at the same time is being translated. Thank you.--युकेश १७:२१, १८ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

That idea is good for us but will be a bit hard for the newcomers to follow. Be it anyways, I think that we need to keep a template somewhere denotng that the page is being translated. Btw, are there any Babelfish-like software for translation to Hindi? A transliterator from Urdu script to Devnagari can be helpful if there are good articles in urdu. Also, we need to put up girgit software (which transliterates Indic abugidas) as a tool. Thanks.--युकेश १७:४२, १८ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
Sorry to stick my nose in, but I have been looking around for a Hindi machine translator, and the only one's I've found are not in a very complete state. If I recall I was able to download one (called Matra I think) but wasn't able to get it working. Yukesh, do you have a Urdu->Devanagari transliterator available? I have one that can do en:ITRANS to devanagari, but that only covers the second half of the transliteration. With Urdu not specifying the vowels I'd assume you have to do a lot of guessing, no? - Taxman १७:४८, १९ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
No need to be sorry! Its adding a new dimension to the discussion. Actually, there are some transliterators from Nastaleeq/Arabic to Latin. If we could find or develop a similar software which does not need to be exact but very similar to the Nastaleeq original, it would be just fine for us.--युकेश १३:२४, २४ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

Template:· is a high risk template, and we need it protected for us to be able to run navigation boxes.राजा रामबात करो १८:३६, १८ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

Hi Wolf, a suggestion is to use the new cascading protection for the main page. That eliminates the chance for templates included on the main page to be vandalized. Jsut re-protect the main page and check the box. I can't think of any other places it would be legitimate to use, but it's very good for the main page. Thanks for all your work. - Taxman १७:४०, १९ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

ये, वो, यह और वह?

संपादित करें

I asked your question to my friends.

OK, but what do you think about ये, वो, यह और वह? Apparently ये means "These", वो means "Those", यह means "This", and वह means "That". I have got a bit confused. How should I use ये, वो, यह and वह? Please help me.

Replied I got is following:
आप सही कह रहे हैं - ये और वो बहुवचन के लिये प्रयोग होते हैं और यह और वह एक वचन के लिये.
खास बात ये है की 'यह' जगह 'ये' प्रयोग में लाया जा सकता है, ऐसा उर्दू के प्रभाव में हुआ है लेकिन "ये" के जगह पर "यह" नही लगता और "वे" की जगह पर "वह" नहीं लगता. "वह" की जगह पर 'वो' लग सकता है.
यह - this
वह - that
ये - this/these [example: ये मेरा खयाल है/ ये मेरे विचार हैं. ]
वे - those [example: वे मेरे सपने थे]
यही - same / exact
यहीं - here
ये ही - this is what ..
ये हीं - these are the ..
वहीं - there
वे ही - they themselves
वे हीं - those are the ..
यो नही होता लेकिन यों का मतलब "वैसे" होता है. वो का मतलब वह/वे हो सकता है - वे आ रहे हैं या वो आ रहे हैं एक ही बात है. उर्दू के प्रभाव में वो ज्यादा अधिक प्रयोग मे आता है जब किसी व्यक्ति की बात हो रही हो.
वोही नही होता
वो ही = वे ही
वो हीं = वे हीं
hope this helps,

--मितुल ००:५६, २० फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

I have a page जांग चिंग that should make an easy FA. The refs will all be inline citations, perhaps the translation wikiproject can help out. The english page is en:Jiang Qing.राजा रामबात करो ०३:४३, २० फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

Thanks for the suggestion. I kept the English version because I am not sure whether the places are spelt the same in Hindi as in Nepal Bhasa or differently. Also, there are some places whose name in Nepal Bhasa is different from that in Nepali and hence Hindi and English. Since I am basically using the database that I used in Nepal Bhasa, I thought that this might help in correcting them as well. Btw, this was just a test phase of the bot which I think fared reasonably well. I need to insert a few columns in the database (including literacy rare, maps etc) before I use it in Hindi wikipedia (unless we need it to get to the 10k mark real quick!). Anyway, if you have any oter suggestions for the bot, please feel free to contact me. Thanks.--युकेश ०९:४४, २४ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

Thanks for reminding me abt the nufta (I think thats what it is called) in angrejee. I have transliterated Indian cities till the ones starting with N and have kept the untransliterated ones here just like Taxman suggested. Once the transliteration is over, I plan to provide the database to the users here for spell check and to add the Hindi characters. --युकेश १०:१५, २४ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
Thanks a lot for the award. The bot which I am using was originally created by Ganeshk and has been passed down from him to Ragib to Usingha to me (although i directly received the code from Ganeshk as well). You need to download python and wikipedia package for python to run the scripts. Also, you need to have a database of the fields that you are going to include. Its hard to explain this way but easier once you actually use it.

Here is Usingha's instructions which helped me a lot

Dear Eukesh, For the Usinghabot you asked on Bishnupriya Manipuri Wiki, you need following:

  1. Get a bot flag from: m:Requests_for_bot_status
  2. Need the Python Wikipediabot Framework, more on m:Interwiki_bot/Getting_started
  3. Please read before Download the Python: m:Python_programming_language
  4. To run a bot, you need some free time, and I suggest you that do not run the bot from any public place; always run from personal computer for safe and security reason.

Please email me, I will send you the script by email.
उत्तम सिंह 18:27, 12 डिसेम्बर 2006 (UTC)

You can e-mail me at eukeshranjit at yahoo dot com for the code. I will send the bot command and sample data to your address then. --युकेश ११:१२, २४ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

Dear Wolf,

I am not sure why hindi numerals are not allowed. I can understand that translation would be easy if roman numerals are used, but hindi numerals should be used. There is no harm in that. Ofcourse people coming to the site know english or roman numerals, but to keep integrity, it's better that users should be allowed to use hindi numerals.

Thanks, मनीष वशिष्ठ

Please add विकिपीडिया:विकिपरियोजना हिन्दू धर्म to the box of wikiprojects on the mediawiki stuff.राजा रामबात करो ००:११, २५ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)

नमस्ते वल्फ़, can you move श्रेणी:नदी to श्रेणी:नदियाँ? They are supposed to be plural, but it requires an admin to move categories. Then I can update all the category references in the artilces to the new name. Thank you - Taxman १६:०९, १ मार्च २००७ (UTC)


संपादित करें

That's what I wanted to do once. But, although it's pronunciation (in Malayalam) is more close to केरला than केरल I think in Hindi we write it as केरल only . So better if you redirect the page of केरला to केरल . Thanks for your vigilence Amitprabhakar २३:२७, १ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Its probably time to get a hindi namespace for template. Lets discuss at Mitul's talk page (the de facto discussion ground).राजा रामबात करो २३:५९, १ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Also plz update MediaWiki talk:Recentchangestext with the new version on talkpage.राजा रामबात करो ००:२३, २ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Did you see message at विकिपीडिया:चौपाल? Whats your opinion? --मितुल १८:५२, २ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

The number change system of the bot that you sent to me is not working. Need to fix it. So, will take some time. Btw, can you send me the original code in Bangla? That way, I wont have to transliterate for Assamese. Thanks.--युकेश ०२:४८, ३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Please e-mail me the code with numbers as it will be useful for Assamese, Nepal Bhasa, Nepali, Pali, Bhojpuri, Kashmiri, Oriya, Panjabi, Romani, Gujrati etc if not for Hindi. I am not sure about this but I think that we should not stop using Devnagari numbers because nobody uses it here. Its the form in which the numbers are written in Hindi (although I dont much) so I think that it might be better to continue with the devnagari numbers. Regards--युकेश १०:२०, ३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Thanks for the links. I didnt know abt the Indian Gov. part. I will start the bot then. --युकेश १०:३०, ३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

I am a Bhulakkad! I forgot to wish you Holi (it was the reason why I started editing in the first place!). Have a happy and colorful Holi! Also, thanks for your wishes. --युकेश १०:२३, ३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Happy Holi from मनीष वशिष्ठ

संपादित करें

होली कि बहुत सारी रंग भरी शुभकामनायें -- मनीष वशिष्ठ

होली की शुभकामनाए --मितुल ०२:२८, ४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
धन्यवाद वुल्फ़ आपको भी होली की हार्दिक मंगल कामनाएँ पूर्णिमा वर्मन ०४:५८, ४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
Wolf, aapko Holi ki bahut bahut shubhakamnayen user:debbe, Holi pareva, 04 Mearch2007,06:30 IST

होली की शुभकामनाओं के लिये बहुत धन्यवाद। आपके लिये भी यह होली मंगलकारी हो।

आज श्याम संग सब सखियन मिलि, ब्रज में होरी खेलैं ना। अरे हाँ प्यारे ललना ब्रज में होरी खेलैं ना॥

इत से निकसी नवल राधिका उत से कुँवर कन्हाई ना। अरे हाँ प्यारे ललना ब्रज में होरी खेलैं ना॥ हिल मिल फाग परस्पर खेलैं शोभा बरनि न जाई ना। अरे हाँ प्यारे ललना ब्रज में होरी खेलैं ना॥

बाजत झांझ मृदंग ढोल ढफ, मंजीरा शहनाई ना। अरे हाँ प्यारे ललना ब्रज में होरी खेलैं ना॥ उड़त गुलाल लाल भये बादर केसर कीच मचाई ना। अरे हाँ प्यारे ललना ब्रज में होरी खेलैं ना॥

आज श्याम संग सब सखियन मिलि, ब्रज में होरी खेलैं ना।

किन्तु विरहिन की होलीः

नींद नहिं आवै पिया बिना नींद नहिं आवै। मोहे रहि रहि मदन सतावै पिया बिना नींद नहिं आवै॥

सखि लागत मास असाढ़ा, मोरे प्रान परे अति गाढ़ा, अरे ओ तो बादर गरज सुनावै, मोरे पापी पिया नहिं आवै, पिया बिना नींद नहिं आवै॥

सखि सावन मास सुहाना, सब सखियाँ हिंडोला ताना, अरे तुम झूलव संगी सहेली, मैं तो पिया बिना फिरत अकेली, पिया बिना नींद नहिं आवै॥

सखि भादों गहन गंभीरा, मोरे नैन बहे जल-नीरा, अरे मैं तो ड़ूबत हौं मझधारे, मोहे पिया बिना कौन उबारे, पिया बिना नींद नहिं आवै॥

सखि क्वार मदन तन दूना, मोरे पिया बिना मंदिर सूना, अरे मैं तो का से कहौं दुख रोई, मैं तो पिया बिना नींद न सोई, पिया बिना नींद नहिं आवै॥

सखि कातिक मास देवारी, सब दियना अटारी बारी, अरे तुम पहिरव कुसुम रंग सारी, मैं तो पिया बिना फिरत उघारी, पिया बिना नींद नहिं आवै॥

सखि अगहन अगम अंदेसू, मैं तो लिख-लिख भेजौं संदेसू, अरे मैं तो नित उठ सुरुज मनावौं, परदेसी पिया को बुलावौं, पिया बिना नींद नहिं आवै॥

सखि पूस जाड़ अधिकाई, मोहे पिया बिना सेज ना भाई, अरे मोरे तन-मन-जोबन छीना, परदेसी गवन नहिं कीन्हा, पिया बिना नींद नहिं आवै॥

सखि माघ आम बौराये, चहुँ ओर बसंत बिखराये़ अरे ओ तो कोयल कूक सुनावै, परदेसी बलम नहिं आवै, पिया बिना नींद नहिं आवै॥

सखि फागुन मस्त महीना, सब सखियन मंगल कीन्हा, अरे तुम खेलव रंग गुलाले, मोहे पिया बिना कौन दुलारे, पिया बिना नींद नहिं आवै॥

Gk awadhiya

Thanks a lot for the support and the message in Nepal Bhasa wikipedia. Now its Hindi's turn to cross 10k.--युकेश १५:११, ४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

I will keep in mind about your suggestion....the problem is simply that i have a very limited computer literacy. --विजय ठाकुर ०८:३२, ८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Is the template that has the hindi alphabet on the main page?राजा रामबात करो १८:००, ९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Hi, my dear indian friend! nice to meet you in hindi wiki! I love your country, becauce India is a very fantastic and colorful country! thank you, if you hadn't reminded me of this matter, I would certainly have forgotten it.

can i change the ID from अतेन्गु into अपेंगु? and how to do this? thank you!--अतेन्गु १८:०९, ९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Btw, Wolf check Wikipedia:Changing_username to help apengu out. A note on the talk page should get an english wiki admin to give you the steps.राजा रामबात करो १८:१३, ९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

I have placed a button code in chaupal. Please have a look--युकेश १३:२४, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)

It creates a basic framework for articles to be created. User does not have to enter pagename and several sub-headings are created. You can try the blank button in Nepal Bhasa wikipedia to get a rough idea. Thanks.--युकेश १३:५०, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
In monobook.js. Take a look at new:MediaWiki:Monobook.js. Thanks.--युकेश १४:१६, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Could you please write a stub कुरोव - just a few sentences based on ? Only 2-5 sentences enough. Please.

PS. Article about Kurów is already on 139 languages. If you do that, please put interwiki link into English version. If your village/town/city hasn't on PL wiki, I can do article about it. Pietras1988 १५:३५, ११ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Very thx for build up. You are great! Pietras1988 १६:१८, ११ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

As an idea, do you think it would be prudent to import the marathi, nepali, and newari featured articles? They are all in devanagari and should be easy to translate.राजा रामबात करो ०४:०३, १३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

हिन्दी लेखौं के बारे मै

संपादित करें

हमारा विकिपीडिया अब जल्द हि १०,००० लेखौं का "थ्रेसहोल्ड" पार कर रहा है। यह द्वार पार करने के बाद हमारे समुदाय बहुत सारे लोगों की नजरौं मे आने लगेगा ( एट लीश्ट इन् विकिपीडिया कम्युनिटी ) । अतः, हमे हमारा रणनीति मै थोडा बदलाव करना पडेगा। अब हमारे सामने दुसरा बडा पडाव २०,००० लेख का है। लेकिन वहाँ पहुँचने से पहले हमे इस विकिपीडिया का गुणस्तर को बढाने मै ध्यान देना होगा क्योंकि अगर हमारे पास कोही अच्छा लेख ना हों तो २०,००० का आंकडा निरर्थक लगेगा। अतः मेरा यह आप से बिन्ती है कि अब आप किसी एक वा कुछ लेख मै ध्यान केन्द्रित करके उन लेखौं का गुणस्तर बढाएं। विशुद्ध रुप से लेखौं के संख्या बढाने के लिए, कुछ समय के लिए, बोट का प्रयोजन हि पर्याप्त हो सकता है ( मेरे पास अभी करीब ५००० लेखौं का निर्माण के क्षमता रखने वाला बोट है जो थोडे मर्मत के बाद प्रयोजन मै लाया जायगा)। अगर आप का विचार इस से भिन्न हों या आप के मस्तिष्क मै कोही दुसरा रणनीति हों तो कृपया चौपाल मै वा मेरे संवाद पृष्ठ मै व्यक्त कीजिए। धन्यवाद।--युकेश १५:४३, १४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

10K down, now what? :) Congratulations! --युकेश १९:०७, १४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

गूगल समाचार

संपादित करें

Did you check out google news in hindi. गूगल समाचार --मितुल ०२:३४, १५ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Wolf thanks and best wishes for nice article and nice concept also . BTW महाराष्ट्र का दुसरा सबसे बड़ा है। in article Pune at main page looks awkward,I changed apropriately to include word 'shahar' in the article but please do so on main page also. please also see talk page of 'pune' on hindi wikipedia where I have expressed few doubts.

Mahitgar ०८:४४, १८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

I have just translated the Hindi Pune article to Nepal Bhasa at पुणे. Its not a featured content there yet but is one of the longest article on Pune in South Asian wikipediae. Does it have qualify to be a part of links in (and not the featured content) अन्य संस्करणों में as shown in (मराठी । हिन्दी) part in the main page? Thanks.--युकेश १२:२६, २४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
For Wikipedia Collaboration, the article does not have to be featured (or complete) in Hindi (on Hindi Wikipedia) or Nepal Bhasha (on Nepal Bhasha Wikipedia). This is to encourage users to go on the foreign language article and translate to the Hindi/Nepal Bhasha article. But the sad thing is; even if Pune was translated into Hindi, it would not become a featured article due to no reliable references (the English Wikipedia cannot be used as a reference; have a look here).
No thats not my point. What I meant was that we can have a featured article in a language and have article in other SA language which has considerable length, then it be linked in the main page as well but not as a featured one. Eg- if we feature Bangladesh as the next other language featured article (it is featured in Bangla), and if Telegu or Tamil has a reasonable article about Bangladesh and if the editors in Tamil and Telegu want to be linked through the Hindi wikipedia to the article, then we can include that in the "other languages" links but not as a a featured content. If say both telegu and Tamil have the article Bangladesh of reasonable length/quality, the featured content will be that fo Bangla and the Telegu and Tamil links will be given in the front page as well in "in other languages" list but not as the featured content. Thanks.--युकेश १४:१५, २४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

स्वागत के लिये धन्यवाद :) Maquahuitl ०९:५४, २० मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Hi Wolf, re your question at my talk page, great work, that's really nice. After experimenting the syntax has to be something like {{क्लिक|image=Dev-Sitenotice.PNG|largeur=160px|hauteur=20px|lien=विकिपीडिया:Setting up your browser for Indic scripts}}. The template's parameters are in French, and the largeur and hauteur seem to be required. - टैक्सवाला २१:००, २४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Image file should show देवनागरी सहायता के लिए पृष्ठ, and clicking on it should open relevant page. Currently it is opening image page.--मितुल १५:३२, २७ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

स्वागत के लिये धन्यवाद मित्र It was nice to recieve your message and it seems you are doing great work here.आपकी हिन्दी सुधारने के लिए हम सब आपसे हिन्दी में बात करते रहेंगे, अगर हिन्दी संबन्धी कोई असुविधा हो तो सुचित कीजिएगा। आशा है आपके योगदान से विकिपेडिया समृद्ध होती रहेगी। --विशाल १४:३४, २६ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Hi Wolf,

Thanks for bringing up the issue about the deletions, I was planning to post something yesterday night itself. I've posted my rationale on विकिपीडिया:चौपाल as of now. Feel free to discuss.

Thanks. --स्पंदन (Spundun) १५:४१, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

The angrezi to hindi translator may come in handy.राजा रामबात करो १६:४४, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

Please use "uttar" for "north", "dakshin" for "south".... (I always mix up purva and paschim but I think you get the point). Also the word "nayaa" for "new" is ideal. Spanish, Portuguese uses "Nuevo Zelandia" for "New Zealand", "Korea Norte" for North Korea, meaning they use their language equiv. for directional terms. We might as well use hindi directional words to bring ourselves in line with established wikiconventions.राजा रामबात करो ०१:२८, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

The other wiki's use their language equivalent for "new" in place of the english word new, so its better for us to do so as well. For example Indonesian "selandia baru", Turkish "Yeni Zelandia", Catalan "nova zelandia". For New Orelans Portuguese "Nova Orleas", Esperanto "Nova Orleano", etc come to mind. The english name will always be there generally on those pages. Its like en:North_Dinajpur for the place called "Uttar Dinajpur".राजा रामबात करो १५:१५, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)

hey wolf can u plz come on yahoo/google or rediff messenger i need to talk . tell ur ID--सुमित सिन्हा १०:३२, १५ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)

I need to know what one can do one becoming administrator. and for using Devanagari numerals my suggestion is that Hindi is not just language of India it is also used in many other countries hence if Indian gov doesn't uses dev numerals then it doesn't means the we all also stop using dev numerals . the place from where i am is lko in UP here i see many ppl using dev numerals even UP education board uses dev numerals . my mean is tht v "must use Hindi as the way it is not by modifying it. at last i also want to know ur real name yours faithfully --सुमित सिन्हा १०:४४, १५ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)

but thats an indian regulation . it doesnt regulates the hindi spoken by ppl on other part of the world> I would again say that essence of hindi are related to hindi numerals--सुमित सिन्हा ११:१४, १५ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)

inserting a phonetic hindi toolbar

संपादित करें

hey it is my suggestion that we may put a phonetic hindi toolbar in the wikipedia edit bar like this as the bengalis have done see:bangla edit page(plz dont edit anything) it will surely be greate --सुमित सिन्हा ११:०५, १५ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)

I was just making skeleton of articles , wolfji i will extend them as i will collect info abt them--सुमित सिन्हा ०४:०७, १९ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)

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